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Call for paper International Journal of Cybernetics Computer Modelling and Information Forensic (IJCCMIF) International Journal of Cybernetics Computer Modelling and Information Forensic (IJCCMIF)​ Publisher...

Terms Of Service

International Journal of Cybernetics Computer Modelling and Information Forensic (IJCCMIF) is web site (“Site”) is applied for an  ISSN (“IJCCMIF,” “we,” “us” or “our”).By...

Dr. Ajay B. Gadicha

Hon. Dsc.(Iran), PhD.(CSE) Editor in chief

Editorial Board

Chief Editorial Board Member Chief Editorial Board Member Dr. Ajay B. Gadicha Hon. Dsc.(Iran), PhD.(CSE) Editor in Chief Orcid Dr Vijay Gadicha Dean Academics,...

Publication Ethics

PUBLICATION ETHICS AND PUBLICATION MALPRACTICE STATEMENT (Based on Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME)’s Best Practice Guidelines...

Aim & Scope

Aim & Scope The basic aim of this initiation is to provide a platform for the researcher, innovators, scholars and students to share their...

Daniel Edwards

My name is Dan, If you want to start a blog, I write you the easiest guide to starting to do that


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